Nuevos enfoques terapéuticos de la infección por T. cruzi/ Enfermedad de Chagas

by Pinazo M-J, Forsyth C, Marques T, Barreira F, Sosa-Estani S. Ciencia e Investigación 2022; 72(3):24-37.

Summary: The Argentine Society of Protozoology (SAP), in collaboration with the Argentine Association for the Progress of Sciences, has produced a special issue of the Journal Ciencia e Investigación to mark the National Day for an Argentina without Chagas. This includes an article by DNDi authors that describes the difficulties involved in the treatment of Chagas disease and the different clinical trials that have been, or are being, carried out with the aim of improving therapeutic results.

The post Nuevos enfoques terapéuticos de la infección por T. cruzi/ Enfermedad de Chagas first appeared on DNDi.

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