The importance of appropriate selection of clinical endpoints in outpatient COVID-19 clinical trials

by Thorlund K, Smith D, Linsell C, White N, Butler C, Boulware D, Currier J, Harari O, Lhomme E, Strub-Wourgaft N, Adam S, Mills E. Communications Medicine 2023, 3(53). doi:

Summary: Clinical trial endpoints must be carefully selected so that the results of the study can be used to inform decision-making, both in policy and in practice. The relative importance of potential endpoints often depends on the stakeholder, with patients having different preferences to policymakers and regulators. The set up of clinical trials for COVID-19 was problematic, as endpoints that could be reasonably measured did not always match the efficacy endpoints usually required by guideline panels. Thus, different endpoints were used, making the timely comparison and evaluation of interventions difficult. The authors of this perspective discuss the evolution of the COVID-19 landscape and the effect it is having on the selection of consistent and measurable clinical trial endpoints.

The post The importance of appropriate selection of clinical endpoints in outpatient COVID-19 clinical trials first appeared on DNDi.

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