Reunião de Parceiros da DNDi 2011

[Rio de Janeiro, December 2, 2011 ]

DNDI brings together partners in international event on Neglected Diseases in Rio de Janeiro
The meeting, which took place on December 2, was conducted in collaboration with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ)

Specialists Neglected Tropical Diseases from different countries met on December 2, 2011, at DNDi’s Fourth Meeting of Partners in Rio de Janeiro, to discuss solutions aimed at expanding Innovation and Access to Neglected Patients in Latin America.

This meeting of more than 260 participants – including neglected disease specialists from our regional and global networks, policy makers and patient representatives – was convened to review and evaluate the progress of DND i to date, as well as to address and discuss and access to neglected diseases. This one-day meeting and its satellite events resulted in a Call for Latin America to Boost Innovation and Access for Neglected Patients in the Region.

Check out the most up-to-date version of the program .

Watch the broadcast of the event!


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Presentations (PDF):

A Brazilian perspective for research and innovation in neglected diseases “, by Carlos Gadelha, Secretary of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs, Ministry of Health, Brazil

Where we are today “, by Bernard Pécoul, Executive Director, DND i ( in English)

Future Guidance for Latin America “, by Eric Stobbaerts, Director, DND i Latin America (in Spanish)

Chagas patients engaged: at the heart of the issue “, by Manuel Gutiérrez, President, International Federation of People Affected by Chagas disease, Spain (in Spanish)

For more information about the event,access the international website the DNDi (in English)

Ajude os pacientes negligenciados

Até o momento, desenvolvemos nove tratamentos para doenças negligenciadas, salvando milhões de vidas. Temos o objetivo de disponibilizar 25 novos tratamentos em nossos primeiros 25 anos. Você pode nos ajudar!

Organização internacional, sem fins lucrativos, que desenvolve tratamentos seguros, eficazes e acessíveis para os pacientes mais negligenciados.

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