Antiretroviral postnatal prophylaxis to prevent HIV vertical transmission: present and future strategies

by Penazzato M, Kasirye I, Ruel T, Mukui I, Bekker A, Archary M, Musoke P, Essajee S, Siberry GK, Mahy M, Simnoue D, Simione B, Zech JM, Mushavi A, Abrams EJ and PNP meeting participants. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2023, 26(2): e26032. doi:

Summary: In 2021, the WHO and the International Maternal Paediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Network convened a workshop to accelerate the research and development of new agents and new approaches to postnatal prophylaxis (PNP). This paper builds on the outcome of the first consultation in the series, which examined current challenges and opportunities for the implementation of PNP to inform the design of future innovative strategies to deliver effective PNP to infants exposed to HIV. The authors conclude that tailoring PNP strategies to a programmatic context may improve access, adherence, retention and HIV-free outcomes of infants exposed to HIV. New simpler ARV options and technologies, including longer-acting formulations, should be prioritized to optimize the effect of PNP.

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