Cutaneous leishmaniasis treatment and therapeutic outcomes in special populations: A collaborative retrospective study

by Castro M, Rode J, Machado PRL, Llanos-Cuentas A, Hueb M, Cota G, Rojas IV, Orobio Y, Sarmiento OO, Rojas E, Quintero J, Pimentel MIF, Soto J, Suprien C, Alvarez F, Ramos AP, Arantes RBdS, da Silva RE, Arenas CM, Vélez ID, Lyra MR, Saravia NG, Arana B, Alexander N. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2023, 17(1):e0011029. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011029

Summary: Treatment guidance for children and older adults affected by cutaneous leishmaniasis is unclear, due to limited representation of these groups in clinical trials. RedeLEISH, a Latin American network of leishmaniasis researchers, conducted a collaborative retrospective study to describe the effectiveness and safety of antileishmanial treatments in children and older adults in ten cutaneous leishmaniasis referral centers in Latin America. Patient records for 736 children and 589 older adults showed that the disease presents predominantly in a mild form, and that the most commonly used treatment, systemic antimonials, has limited effectiveness, with cure rates of 54.6% and 68.2%, respectively. Alternatives to systemic antimonials and development of strategies to improve patient follow-up across the region are needed.

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