Further preclinical characterization of molnupiravir against SARS-CoV-2: Antiviral activity determinants and viral genome alteration patterns

By SPetit P-R, Touret F, Driouich J-S, Cochin M, Luciani L, Bernadin O, Laprie C, Piorkowski G, Fraisse L, Sjö P, Mowbray CE, Escudié F, Scandale I, Chatelain E, de Lamballerie X, Solas C, Nougairède A. Helyon 2024, 10(10): e30862. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e30862

Summary: The authors of this manuscript investigated molunpiravir as a potential broad-spectrum drug for prompt use in case of viral emergence. Using models of SARS-CoV-2 infection to characterise its antiviral properties and mode of action, ex vivo on human airway epithelium and in vivo in hamster, they found that molunpiravir effectively reduced viral titres. Early treatment after infection was a key factor in efficacy. Deep-sequencing of the entire genome of the viruses collected after treatment showed that molunpiravir induced genomic alteration, leading to lethal mutagenesis. The results of this study, and of clinical trials showing antiviral action in humans, build a strong case for further research on molunpiravir as a potential tool against COVID-19 and other RNA viruses.

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