Development and validation of a high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantification of the antiparasitic and antifungal drug amphotericin B in human skin tissue

by Roseboom IC, Thijssen B, Rosing R, Alves F, Sundar S, Beijnen JH, Dorlo TPC. Journal of Chromatography B 2022; 1206:123354. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2022.123354

Summary: Liposomal amphotericin B is currently being investigated for the treatment of cutaneous and post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis, where the dermis of the skin is infected with Leishmania parasites. Accurate target-site quantification of amphotericin B is needed in order to optimize treatment regimens, but no assay is currently available to assess concentrations in human skin. The authors describe the development and subsequent validation of a relatively easy, accurate and sensitive bioanalytical assay for the determination and quantification of amphotericin B in human skin punch biopsies. This assay was able to accurately quantify amphotericin B in 4-mm clinical skin biopsies from PKDL patients from India treated with liposomal amphotericin B.

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