Helminth infections: Enabling the World Health Organization Road Map

by Specht S, Keiser J. International Journal for Parasitology 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2022.10.006

Summary: Helminthiases are among the most persistent public health problems. Control and/or elimination remains a global health challenge and the World Health Organization Road Map highlights critical gaps and actions required to reach the 2030 targets, among them the need for new and more effective treatment options. The authors of this opinion piece highlight the need to fill drug development pipelines and expand treatment tool kits, enable sustainable access to treatment, and foster patient and community autonomy. Stronger collaborations across different fields are required to reach these goals. The helminth elimination platform is one example of how knowledge of two different disease areas can be aligned to fuse expertise and break disease silos.

Please note that this article is an uncorrected proof.

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