by White NJ, Garcia PJ, Rees H, Temfack E, Faiz MA, Guérin PJ, Ntoumi F, Le Doare K, Ramdin T, Hookham L, Ambe J, Macpherson C, Ibarra SS, Villar JC, Maude RJ, Cheah PY, Tarning J, Khoo S, Sabiiti W, Kumar B, Lees S, Schmidt-Sane M, Lembit R, Farlow A, Archer J, Okware B, Haouala A, Strub-Wourgaft N. The Lancet 2023, 402(10399): 367. doi:
Summary: Only 5.5% ($434 million) of the $7885 million allocated in 2020 and 2021 to fund COVID-19 research and development was granted to support research based in low- and middle-income countries. The authors of this letter point out that more investment is needed in clinical research capacity in low-resource settings to enable development of emergency-response research capabilities, and that once in a public health emergency, funders need to make small amounts of money available rapidly rather than promise large amounts that arrive slowly or not at all.
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Até o momento, desenvolvemos nove tratamentos para doenças negligenciadas, salvando milhões de vidas. Temos o objetivo de disponibilizar 25 novos tratamentos em nossos primeiros 25 anos. Você pode nos ajudar!
Organização internacional, sem fins lucrativos, que desenvolve tratamentos seguros, eficazes e acessíveis para os pacientes mais negligenciados.
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