by Pinazo M-J, Malchiodi E, Ioset J-R, Bivona A, Gollob KJ, Dutra WO. The Lancet Microbe 2024, 100972. doi: 10.1016/j.lanmic.2024.100972
Summary: In order to develop effective vaccines and therapies against Chagas disease, it is essential to understand the intricate dynamics of parasite-host interactions and the resulting immune responses, which contribute to both protection and pathology. The authors of this Series paper discuss the challenges associated with discovering and translating prophylactic and therapeutic strategies from the laboratory bench to clinical application. They highlight ongoing efforts in vaccine and new drug development, with a focus on more advanced candidates for vaccines and drugs. They also discuss potential solutions, emphasising the importance of collaborative research efforts, sustained funding, and a comprehensive understanding of host-parasite interactions and immunopathology to advance the development of new vaccines and therapies against Chagas disease.
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