Involving patients in drug development for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs): A qualitative study exploring and incorporating preferences of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis into Target Product Profile development

By Castro MdM, Erber AC, Arana B, Cota G, Denkinger CM, Harrison N, Kutyi J, López-Carvajal L, Plugge E, Walochnik J, Olliaro P. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2024, 18(2): e0011975. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011975

Summary: Target product profiles (TPP) identify the characteristics required for medical products to meet their intended need. They should be aligned with users’ preferences and needs, however, patients are rarely involved as key stakeholders in developing TPPs. The authors of this manuscript collected the views of 33 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis about product safety, efficacy, costs, treatment administration, and perceived barriers. Engaging patients in designing adapted therapies could significantly improve both the suitability of an intervention and compliance, by tailoring the product to the end-users’ needs. This study contributes to the limited body of knowledge and provides a methodology for giving patients a voice in designing medical products that can be adapted and used for other neglected diseases.

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