Towards enhanced control of mycetoma: a roadmap to achieve the UN’s sustainable development goals by 2030

By Fahal A, Smith DJ, Nyaoke B, Asiedu K, Alves F, Warusavithanas S, Argaw D, Hay R, on behalf of the Global Mycetoma Working Group. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2024, trae016. doi: 10.1093/trstmh/trae016

Summary: The WHO’s 2020 neglected tropical disease roadmap set targets for addressing mycetoma, however, little progress has been made since then. In this publication, the Global Mycetoma Working Group proposes an enhanced mycetoma-control roadmap to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, stimulate progress, and improve the lives of people living with mycetoma by leveraging existing resources, infrastructure, and partnerships. This updated assessment is intended for health workers and providers, government officials, civil society, and funding and implementing agencies.

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