DNDi welcomes the efforts the Bureau have made to incorporate the proposals made by Member States and non-state actors since July via INB2, open submissions, informal focused consultations and the public hearings, in the conceptual zero draft.
Read DNDi’s comments on the conceptual zero draft (CZD) of the WHO CA+ for the consideration of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) at INB3.
These comments build on those DNDi made as part of the open consultation. As a not-for-profit research and development organization, DNDi seeks to highlight issues within the CZD that are either missing, or could be further clarified or amended in order to best ensure innovation of and equitable access to health tools, thereby strengthening the world’s capacities for preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from pandemics.
Até o momento, desenvolvemos nove tratamentos para doenças negligenciadas, salvando milhões de vidas. Temos o objetivo de disponibilizar 25 novos tratamentos em nossos primeiros 25 anos. Você pode nos ajudar!
Organização internacional, sem fins lucrativos, que desenvolve tratamentos seguros, eficazes e acessíveis para os pacientes mais negligenciados.
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